Incident Management

Nexoid's Incident Management streamlines incident resolution, ensuring minimal disruption and improved IT service continuity. Master ITIL with Nexoid.

What is ITIL 4 Incident Management?

ITIL 4 Incident Management is an essential aspect of IT Service Management (ITSM) that aims to restore normal service operations as quickly as possible, minimize the impact of incidents on business processes, and maintain the quality and availability of IT services. The ITIL 4 framework, a set of best practices for ITSM, underlines the significance of efficient incident management in preserving service quality and guaranteeing seamless business operations. This framework helps organizations like Nexoid, an ITSM solution and ERP company, to effectively manage IT issues, allowing users to enhance their productivity and reduce outages by assigning incidents to the appropriate group.

It is crucial to note that "service requests" are not technically considered incidents. However, for IT and business workflow purposes, they must be added to the same list. Service requests arise when users ask for something, such as a change in configuration or a new laptop. On the other hand, incidents occur when something breaks or malfunctions, causing disruption in the normal functioning of IT services. Although both incidents and service requests are distinct, they share a common goal: ensuring that the organization's IT services are available, efficient, and reliable to support business operations.

In the ITIL 4 Incident Management framework, agents are equipped with the necessary information and knowledge base to address and resolve incidents effectively. This includes tracking priorities, knowing who is working on what, and being informed on how to fix issues. By implementing ITIL 4 Incident Management practices, organizations like Nexoid can streamline their IT processes, minimize service disruptions, and ultimately, maintain a high level of service quality for their customers.

Objectives of Incident Management

Incident management serves several essential objectives in an organization's ITSM strategy. These objectives aim to ensure that the IT infrastructure functions optimally and supports the organization's overall goals.

Without an efficient incident management system, organizations may face a variety of challenges. For instance, relying on rudimentary tools like Excel spreadsheets or email inboxes for incident management can lead to miscommunications, missed deadlines, and inefficient resource allocation. In addition, staff members who do not collaborate effectively may struggle to resolve incidents in a timely manner, negatively impacting service quality and availability.

Implementing a robust incident management system, such as Nexoid's ITSM solution, enables organizations to monitor and manage their service level agreements (SLAs) more effectively. This ensures that the IT services provided meet or exceed the expectations of both internal and external stakeholders.

Ultimately, effective incident management contributes to higher end-user satisfaction, improved service quality, and a more efficient IT support infrastructure.

Incident Management and Service Requests

ITIL differentiates between two key concepts: Incidents, which refer to service disruptions, and Service Requests, which are user or customer requests not related to service interruptions, such as password resets. Incident Management is responsible for addressing service disruptions, while Request Fulfillment handles Service Requests.

ITIL Incident Management: The initiation of the Incident Management process can occur through various means, such as users, customers, or suppliers reporting an issue; technical staff identifying a potential or actual failure; or event monitoring systems automatically raising an Incident.

Incident Records: All Incidents must be documented as Incident Records, allowing for tracking of their status and maintenance of a comprehensive historical record. The initial categorization and prioritization of Incidents are crucial for determining the handling and resolution timeframe for the Incident.

Matching Incidents: When possible, Incidents should be matched to other Incidents, Problems, and Known Errors.

Automated Resolution and Self-Help: Organizations should utilize automated resolution tools and offer self-help support portals, enabling users to resolve simple Incidents independently. For other Incidents, 1st Level Support will attempt diagnosis and resolution, typically using a knowledge base or pre-defined Incident Models.

Escalation and External Support: If 1st Level Support cannot resolve an Incident, it must be escalated to a suitable specialist support group within 2nd Level Support. If necessary, 2nd Level Support may involve external parties, such as suppliers and vendors, referred to as "3rd Level Support" in ITIL.

Major Incident Handling: ITIL outlines a distinct process for managing Major Incidents, which are emergencies impacting business-critical services and demanding immediate attention. Major Incidents usually necessitate a temporary Major Incident Team to identify and implement a resolution.

Incident Closure: Upon resolving Incidents, 1st Level Support will formally close them, including user satisfaction verification and ensuring comprehensive documentation of the Incident Record.

Interaction with Other ITIL Processes: Incident Management interacts with several other ITIL processes, such as:

  • Event Management: May create an Incident Record if monitoring systems detect a condition requiring a response.
  • Problem Management: Supplies information to the Incident Management process and uses data gathered during Incident resolution for Problem identification.
  • Change Management: May be invoked from Incident Management if a Change is necessary to resolve an Incident.
  • Configuration Management: Provides data used to identify Incidents and associate them with specific Configuration Items.

ITIL 4 Updates: --TS--In ITIL 4, "Incident management" is referred to as a service management practice, and service desk activities are described in the ITIL4 practice of "Service desk."

What are the main stages/sub-processes of an Incident in ITIL?

1. Incident Logging & Categorization

The first stage, incident logging and categorization, serves as the foundation for the entire incident management process. Proper categorization directly affects the subsequent stages, such as pro-active user information and assigning the incident to the appropriate support team. Effective logging and categorization enable faster incident resolution and a more efficient process overall.

2. Pro-Active User Information

Pro-active user information relies on the accuracy of incident categorization to notify users about potential issues. Providing users with accurate information prevents further incidents and reduces the workload on support teams. This stage connects to incident monitoring and escalation by allowing support teams to focus on high-priority incidents that require immediate attention.

3. Incident Monitoring and Escalation

Incident monitoring and escalation depend on the initial categorization and pro-active user information stages to prioritize incidents effectively. This stage connects with the handling of major incidents, as major incidents require immediate escalation and dedicated resources. Monitoring and escalation also play a crucial role in determining when an incident requires resolution by 1st or 2nd level support.

4. Handling of Major Incidents

The handling of major incidents is directly linked to incident monitoring and escalation. Effective monitoring ensures that major incidents are identified and escalated promptly, allowing for rapid response and resolution. This stage is also connected to incident closure and evaluation, as the lessons learned from major incidents can be applied to improve the overall incident management process.

5. Immediate Incident Resolution by 1st Level Support

1st level support resolution relies on accurate categorization and effective monitoring to identify incidents that can be resolved quickly. This stage connects to 2nd level support, as unresolved incidents are escalated for further investigation. Timely resolution by 1st level support reduces the workload on higher support levels and improves the overall efficiency of the incident management process.

6. Incident Resolution by 2nd Level Support

2nd level support is connected to both 1st level support and incident monitoring, as it handles incidents that cannot be resolved at the initial stage. The resolution by 2nd level support contributes to the incident closure and evaluation stage, providing valuable insights for improving the knowledge base and refining the incident management process.

7. Incident Closure and Evaluation

Incident closure and evaluation is directly connected to all previous stages, as the lessons learned from each incident contribute to the continuous improvement of the process. The evaluation process identifies areas for improvement in incident logging, categorization, monitoring, escalation, and resolution by support teams. This stage also links to incident management reporting, as the insights gathered during evaluation are used to inform data-driven decisions.

8. Incident Management Reporting

Incident management reporting is linked to all stages of the process, as it provides insights into the overall performance of the incident management system. Reporting helps identify areas for improvement in incident logging, categorization, support team performance, and the effectiveness of the knowledge base. This stage enables organizations to optimize their incident management processes based on data-driven insights.

9. Incident Management Support

Incident management support is connected to all stages of the process, as it provides the necessary resources and tools for efficient incident management. This stage ensures that support teams have access toup-to-date knowledge bases, effective incident management software, and relevant training. By facilitating the smooth execution of each stage in the incident management process, incident management support helps improve service quality, reduce downtime for users, and optimize overall incident handling.

In summary, each stage in the ITIL incident management process is interconnected, with each concept influencing and relying on the others for successful execution. The efficient handling of incidents depends on accurate logging and categorization, effective monitoring and escalation, appropriate support team involvement, and continuous evaluation and improvement of the process. By understanding these connections, organizations can better optimize their incident management processes, leading to higher service quality and reduced downtime.

Roles and Responsibilities

Effective incident management requires the cooperation of various stakeholders, each with specific roles and responsibilities. These stakeholders include:

Incident ManagerOversee the incident management process and coordinate the efforts of all involved parties.
Service Desk AgentAct as the first point of contact for incident reports, log and categorize incidents, and provide initial support and guidance.
Technical Support StaffInvestigate, diagnose, and resolve incidents, as well as collaborate with other teams and third-party vendors when necessary.
IT ManagementEnsure the effectiveness of the incident management process, allocate resources, and support continuous improvement efforts.
End UsersReport incidents and provide feedback on the quality of support received.

Collaboration and communication between these stakeholders are vital to the success of the incident management process. Nexoid's ITSM solution promotes effective collaboration by providing a centralized platform for incident tracking, assignment, and resolution.

An important distinction within the incident management process is the difference between an owner and an assignee. While the assignee is the person responsible for resolving the technical aspects of the incident, the owner is the individual who maintains overall responsibility for the ticket from beginning to end. This practice, although not explicitly outlined in ITIL, can significantly improve the incident management process.

The owner, typically a first-line service desk agent, remains the primary point of contact for the end user throughout the incident lifecycle. They are responsible for maintaining communication with the end user, providing updates on the progress of the incident, and ensuring that the end user's needs are met. The assignee, on the other hand, is the technical expert who is tasked with addressing the specific issue at hand. They may be a member of the technical support staff or an external vendor, depending on the nature of the incident.

This division of responsibilities ensures that the end user receives consistent and clear communication, while the assignee can focus on resolving the incident without being burdened with additional communication tasks. Nexoid's ITSM solution supports this distinction between owner and assignee by allowing for easy tracking, assignment, and communication throughout the incident management process.

Incident Management with Nexoid

Nexoid's incident management software is a robust, adaptable, and versatile solution catering to various businesses' unique needs. With built-in workflows designed by experts experienced in helpdesk support, Nexoid sets itself apart from other tools in the market.

One of the standout features of Nexoid's incident management system is its ability to link incidents to problems, streamlining ticket resolution. For example, if multiple users report an inability to print, an agent can create a problem ticket for the malfunctioning printer. Once the problem is resolved, all connected incident tickets are automatically closed, saving time and effort for support teams.

Customizable Workflows

Nexoid understands that every organization has distinct requirements, and as a comprehensive ERP system, it enables customization of any or all workflows. This ensures that Nexoid adapts to your organization's processes rather than forcing the reverse.

By incorporating customer feedback, Nexoid covers all ITIL incident processes and workflows, adding extra workflows as needed. For instance, consider working on a help desk when the CEO requests a laptop and projector setup for a general meeting two months away. You need to create the ticket but cannot action it until a few days before the conference.

Introducing "Wait" Status

In addition to "open," "resolved," and "hold" statuses, Nexoid introduces the concept of "wait." Imagine the CEO contacts the service desk saying he wants a laptop and a projector setup in the conference room for the general meeting a few months’ time. This is an important service request that needs to be logged but it can’t be actioned until a few days before the event. The "wait" status is a system-managed "hold" that can be utilized in situations like the one mentioned above. You can set the service request status to "wait" until a few days before the conference, ensuring it doesn't clutter your queue. This way, the request remains invisible until it's actionable, allowing you to focus on other tasks without worrying about the laptop setup request.

Another advantage of Nexoid's incident management software is its comprehensive knowledge base. Agents can quickly access relevant information to address reported incidents, ensuring that the right group handles the issue and reducing outages. This feature allows users to boost their productivity and track priorities, knowing who is working on what.

With its customizable workflows, ability to link incidents to problems, and the innovative "wait" status, Nexoid offers a reliable, industry-standard incident management solution that makes Nexoid an interresting product to consider.

Definitions/ Dictionnary

Incident Manager
Oversees the incident management process and coordinates the efforts of all involved parties.
Service Desk Agent
Acts as the first point of contact for incident reports, logs and categorizes incidents, and provides initial support and guidance.
Technical Support Staff
Investigates, diagnoses, and resolves incidents, and collaborates with other teams and third-party vendors when necessary.
IT Management
Ensures the effectiveness of the incident management process, allocates resources, and supports continuous improvement efforts.
End Users
Reports incidents and provides feedback on the quality of support received.


An unplanned interruption or reduction in the quality of an IT service, often referred to as a Service Interruption.

Incident Escalation Rules

A set of rules defining a hierarchy for escalating Incidents, with triggers based on Incident severity and resolution times.

Incident Management Report

A report providing Incident-related information to other Service Management processes.

Incident Model

A predefined set of steps for dealing with a specific type of Incident, ensuring efficient and effective handling of routinely occurring incidents.

Incident Prioritization Guideline

Describes the rules for assigning priorities to Incidents, including the definition of Major Incidents. Priorities are essential for triggering appropriate escalations based on Incident Escalation Rules.

Incident Record

A set of data documenting an Incident's details and history from registration to closure. Includes any event that could potentially impair an IT service in the future.

Incident Status Information

A message containing an Incident's current status, sent to users who reported the service interruption. Typically provided at various points during the Incident's lifecycle.

Major Incident

A serious interruption of business activities requiring urgent resolution.

Major Incident Review

A review conducted after a Major Incident, documenting underlying causes, resolution history, and identifying opportunities for future improvement.

Notification of Service Failure

The reporting of a service failure to the Service Desk by a user or system monitoring tool.

Pro-Active User Information

A notification to users about existing or imminent service failures, enabling them to prepare for service unavailability.

Status Inquiry

An inquiry regarding the current status of an Incident or Service Request, typically from users who reported the Incident or submitted a request.

Support Request

A request to resolve an Incident or Problem, usually initiated by Incident or Problem Management processes when further assistance from technical experts is needed.

User Escalation

An escalation related to processing an Incident or Service Request, initiated by a user experiencing delays or failure in service restoration.